Friday marked our one month anniversary of being a full time family! We are still amazed that we are doing this and that the time is passing by so quickly. I'm sure we will blink and a year will be over. We will wonder where the time has gone.
Sunday was Mother's Day! It was quite unlike any other Mother's Day we have celebrated before. We spent almost the entire day outside! After lunch we went to Grandma's house to visit. The kids played outside on their bikes for over 2 hours. While living in our sticks & bricks house we didn't have a yard that was flat enough for the kids to play in. We lived on the side of a hill, so it made it hard to run and ride bikes. Plus we were so busy with household chores and duties that we let ourselves be "trapped" inside most of the time. Well No More! Today Carley and Parker were able to learn to ride their bikes w/out training wheels for the first time. This is something that just never seemed to be accomplished because of where we lived and the opportunity to practice. It was exciting watching them learn something new. They were proud of themselves and enjoyed being in the warm sunshine with their family. After we left Grandmas it was back to the campground for more frisbee. This is quickly becoming a daily routine for us. The kids are always asking dad when he will come out to play with them. I am thankful for the intrest in something that is not an electronic toy. :)
After evening church services we had a late Mother's Day dinner with my mom & older brother. We enjoyed visiting together and catching up on things. May we be blessed with many more times like these. Thank you Father for your wonderful blessings.